Heartfelt Champagne Vow Bouquet


The "Heartfelt Champagne Vow Bouquet" features 33 elegantly arranged champagne roses, accented with delicate filler flowers to create a perfect blend of grace and romance. Champagne roses symbolize sincerity, eternity, and warmth, while the filler flowers add a touch of natural charm. Designed specifically for proposals, this bouquet is ideal for candlelit dinners or outdoor romantic settings. Let this exquisite bouquet convey your heartfelt promises and create an unforgettable proposal moment.

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Suitable occasions: proposal, confession, romantic date, Valentine's Day, wedding anniversary.


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

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