Carnation and Lily Bouquet


Language of Flowers: Boundless Adoration


The 'Tender Love - Carnation and Lily Bouquet' has been thoughtfully created for Mother's Day, featuring soft pink carnations and regal lilies as its melody, embodying the profound emotions and endless respect children hold for their mothers. Carnations symbolize a mother's tenderness and resilience, while lilies represent purity and nobility. Their combination not only conveys gratitude to mothers but also signifies the harmony and bliss of the family. With the floral message of 'Boundless Adoration', we express our deep thanks to all mothers, wishing them a joyful Mother's Day filled with love and smiles.

Size: about 21“ H x 18” W

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Language of Flowers: Boundless Adoration


The 'Tender Love - Carnation and Lily Bouquet' has been thoughtfully created for Mother's Day, featuring soft pink carnations and regal lilies as its melody, embodying the profound emotions and endless respect children hold for their mothers. Carnations symbolize a mother's tenderness and resilience, while lilies represent purity and nobility. Their combination not only conveys gratitude to mothers but also signifies the harmony and bliss of the family. With the floral message of 'Boundless Adoration', we express our deep thanks to all mothers, wishing them a joyful Mother's Day filled with love and smiles.

Size: about 21“ H x 18” W


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

72 Items

The bouquet was the perfect

The bouquet was the perfect Mother's Day gift; the arrangement was stunning and arrived right on time.

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