Baby's Breath and Carnation Bouquet


Language of Flowers: Constellation of Mother's Love


The 'Baby's Breath and Carnation Bouquet' is like the bright stars in the night sky, silently illuminating the hearts of children. The soft pink carnations represent the gentleness and inclusiveness of maternal love, while the speckles of baby's breath signify the everlasting love of a mother and the profound bond with her children. On this special Mother's Day, choosing such a meaningful bouquet is not only a token of gratitude for a mother's endless dedication but also a salute to her perennial guidance like the constant stars. Let the language of flowers, 'Constellation of Mother's Love', accompany the bouquet's beauty to warm the heart of your mother.

Size: about 20“ H x 17” W

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Language of Flowers: Constellation of Mother's Love


The 'Baby's Breath and Carnation Bouquet' is like the bright stars in the night sky, silently illuminating the hearts of children. The soft pink carnations represent the gentleness and inclusiveness of maternal love, while the speckles of baby's breath signify the everlasting love of a mother and the profound bond with her children. On this special Mother's Day, choosing such a meaningful bouquet is not only a token of gratitude for a mother's endless dedication but also a salute to her perennial guidance like the constant stars. Let the language of flowers, 'Constellation of Mother's Love', accompany the bouquet's beauty to warm the heart of your mother.

Size: about 20“ H x 17” W


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

63 Items

The bouquet was beautifully

The bouquet was beautifully arranged and delivered exactly on time. My mom loved it!

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