Endless love: bouquet of red roses


The 'Maternal Blossom Salute' bouquet interweaves the radiance of roses with the grace of carnations to paint a portrait of maternal love. The passion of roses blended with the delicacy of carnations sets a tender tone for Mother's Day. The foliage complements the brightness of the flowers, making this bouquet a vessel of endless praise and gratitude for mothers, honoring the light they cast upon every step of our lives.

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The 'Maternal Blossom Salute' bouquet interweaves the radiance of roses with the grace of carnations to paint a portrait of maternal love. The passion of roses blended with the delicacy of carnations sets a tender tone for Mother's Day. The foliage complements the brightness of the flowers, making this bouquet a vessel of endless praise and gratitude for mothers, honoring the light they cast upon every step of our lives.


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

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The bouquet's colors were truly vibrant.Quick delivery really impressed us!

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