Mother's Day Selected Lily Carnation Bouquet



Carnations, roses, lilies and statice with seasonal green plants


Length: about 14"H x 13"W.

This Mother’s Day bouquet is specially designed to express gratitude and respect for your mom.  Each flower has its own special meaning, symbolizing different blessings for your mom. Carnation is the representative flower of Mother’s Day, implying great maternal love and endless care. Rose is the symbol of love, expressing respect and intimacy for your mom. Lily is a pure and noble flower, praising your mom’s beauty and wisdom. Statice is a happy and lucky flower, wishing your mom happiness and health forever. This Mother’s Day bouquet is the most suitable gift for your mom, it can convey your deep gratitude and love for your mom, and make her feel your heart and warmth.

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Carnations, roses, lilies and statice with seasonal green plants


Length: about 14"H x 13"W.

This Mother’s Day bouquet is specially designed to express gratitude and respect for your mom. It is composed of carnations, roses, lilies and statice with seasonal green plants, creating a colorful display. Each flower has its own special meaning, symbolizing different blessings for your mom. Carnation is the representative flower of Mother’s Day, implying great maternal love and endless care. Rose is the symbol of love, expressing respect and intimacy for your mom. Lily is a pure and noble flower, praising your mom’s beauty and wisdom. Statice is a happy and lucky flower, wishing your mom happiness and health forever. This Mother’s Day bouquet is the most suitable gift for your mom, it can convey your deep gratitude and love for your mom, and make her feel your heart and warmth.


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

88 Items

The flowers were gorgeous and smelled amazing, and the delivery was fast and smooth.

I got this Mother’s Day bouquet for my mom’s birthday and she was thrilled. The flowers were lovely and fresh, and the delivery was prompt and courteous.

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