Colorful Carnation Mother's Day Bouquet



Red carnations, roses, pinecone flowers, and statice, with with seasonal green leaves


Length: about 14"H x 13"W.

Flower language: Mother, you are the most beautiful flower in my heart, I am forever grateful for your dedication.

The Warm Blossoms bouquet, specifically created for Mother's Day, features a mainstay of red carnations complemented by delicate roses and sprigs of chrysanthemum. The statice adds a unique touch of purple and blue hues, representing the vibrant and abundant love of a mother. The pairing of red and purple not only aligns with the festive spirit but also symbolizes profound respect and blessings for mothers. It is the perfect choice to express heartfelt gratitude.

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Red carnations, roses, pinecone flowers, and statice, with with seasonal green leaves


Length: about 14"H x 13"W.

Flower language: Mother, you are the most beautiful flower in my heart, I am forever grateful for your dedication.

The Warm Blossoms bouquet, specifically created for Mother's Day, features a mainstay of red carnations complemented by delicate roses and sprigs of chrysanthemum. The statice adds a unique touch of purple and blue hues, representing the vibrant and abundant love of a mother. The pairing of red and purple not only aligns with the festive spirit but also symbolizes profound respect and blessings for mothers. It is the perfect choice to express heartfelt gratitude.

This bouquet is wrapped in pink paper, which makes it more noble and elegant.


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

87 Items

My mother was very happy with this bouquet

My mother was very happy with this bouquet. She said it was the most thoughtful and meaningful gift she ever received.

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