Roses and Carnations Bouquets



Roses Carnations Eustoma / Green leaves in season.


Length: about 40 cm

Height: about 50-60 cm

This bouquet is packaged in Japanese style and combines roses, carnations and eustoma to perfectly complement the seasonal greenery. Flower language: Bless each other to live a beautiful life.

Suitable for: Birthday, Mother's Day, sending elders, sending bosses and colleagues, visiting bouquets.

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Roses Carnations Eustoma / Green leaves in season.


Length: about 40 cm

Height: about 50-60 cm

This bouquet is packaged in Japanese style and combines roses, carnations and eustoma to perfectly complement the seasonal greenery. Flower language: Bless each other to live a beautiful life.

Suitable for: Birthday, Mother's Day, sending elders, sending bosses and colleagues, visiting bouquets.


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

82 Items

The flowers are especially fresh

The bouquet is well packed and the price is favorable. The flowers are especially fresh


my girlfriend is very happy to receive a gift.

The bouquet design style is unique, the flowers are fresh, and my girlfriend is very happy to receive a gift.


The color of the bouquet is rich and satisfactory

The bouquet was delivered to God on time as a birthday gift 🎁 excellent! The color of the bouquet is rich and satisfactory


Fresh and beautiful

The bouquet is beautiful. There are a lot of little drops on it. Fresh and beautiful


very positive and very quick delivery

very positive and very quick delivery

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