Birthday Bouquet - Festive Joy


Flowers: 11 Red Roses and Black Wrapping Paper

Flower Language: Offering a birthday feast, joy everlasting.

Crafted with 11 red roses and black wrapping paper, the Birthday Bouquet - Festive Joy symbolizes the jubilant celebration of a birthday. Red roses, representing passion and love, embody the happiness and bliss of the occasion. The black wrapping paper adds an air of mystery, inviting the recipient to a delightful feast of surprises. The bouquet's striking contrast between deep red roses and black wrapping paper resembles a magnificent display at a birthday celebration, exuding happiness and blessings. Perfect for sharing with friends and family to celebrate birthdays together, ensuring the joyous festivities continue endlessly.

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Flowers: 11 Red Roses and Black Wrapping Paper

Flower Language: Offering a birthday feast, joy everlasting.

Crafted with 11 red roses and black wrapping paper, the Birthday Bouquet - Festive Joy symbolizes the jubilant celebration of a birthday. Red roses, representing passion and love, embody the happiness and bliss of the occasion. The black wrapping paper adds an air of mystery, inviting the recipient to a delightful feast of surprises. The bouquet's striking contrast between deep red roses and black wrapping paper resembles a magnificent display at a birthday celebration, exuding happiness and blessings. Perfect for sharing with friends and family to celebrate birthdays together, ensuring the joyous festivities continue endlessly.

Suitable for: couple birthdays, wedding anniversaries, gifts for wives, girlfriends, secret lovers and lovers.


Customer first is our service tenet. All kinds of flowers we provide are made of the freshest and best flowers of the day. However, the supply of flowers will be affected by the season or some uncontrollable reasons, which may lead to a shortage of flowers. , Our florist may have to replace it with the same/higher quality or similar color according to the situation.

*Web pictures are for reference only

67 Items

Bouquet was stunning,

Bouquet was stunning, Flowers were incredibly fresh

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